Working Moms/Welcome Back Gloria!
•Posted on July 11 2016

All moms are working moms. Period.
Personally I was able to take almost 9 months out of the paid work force after my first was born, and, after giving me my two boys, those 9 months were the best gift that my former spouse ever gave me. And, when I went back, I was ready to be with grown-ups a little more, ready to read something without turning a page between sentances. I was ready for a few hours off from the rewarding but hard work of parenting 24/7.
Re-entering the paid work force/staying home with the kids? There isn't a right way or a wrong way. Period. We moms all do what we feel is best for us, and therefore for our children.
Gloria was not a mom when she first joined us in 2012. And we loved having her here when she was pregnant. Here she is in November 2014 doing her best "Get theLook" look in Mom's the Word styles of the moment. (And that bag still comes with her to work every day.)
She's been a working mom for 15 months, and now she has just joined the paid work force. We love having her back!
Here's what she wrote for her personal page on our site:
If you had asked me a year and a half ago
"What's your favorite thing?" I would not have hesitated-
"Traveling, exotic places, dreaming and beautiful beaches"
No doubt. Watching my baby boy growing-
exploring and discovering the world; exciting, exotic and new.
And when he looks at me with those amazing blue eyes?
My heart melts in a way I never knew was possible.
Welcome Back Gloria!!