Body by Baby: bump & beyond
•Posted on February 01 2017

Yesterday, again, we had loads of new moms in. They all looked amazing. A few were more than a little shocked and distressed by what their post-partum bod looked like. This post is dedicated to them. With an aside gratitude to Kendra Wilkinson, who last year proved herself to be a caring, honest mom, and we are forever grateful. (See below for more on that.)
Housing a baby can be rough on some bodies, and not at all on others. The aftermath of growing an extra square foot of skin in 40 weeks can have a lasting effect on a body. Every body is different. no matter how tall or short, or full hipped or narrow hipped or..whatever your body type, your body, seemingly from forehead to toes, will change during pregnancy. How or where? No guarantees besides this- your belly will get bigger. Your upper arms, knees, hips, boobs? Probably at least a couple of those too.
Your post-pregnancy will be no more familiar to you than your pregnant body was! It has done an amazing thing though-be nice to it.
After delivery choose clothes that make you feel good! Listen to this mother of 3, Taryn Brumfitt. She knows her stuff. Love this mama!
And-dress so you can feel like you-smart and sexy, just maybe not in a bikini?
The recipe for happiness for a few of yesterday's new moms in the shop? Belly Bandit's This has been a go to winning piece for years. It sucks it all in, reminds you to engage your core and yes, all wore their new BFF out of the shop, standing up a little taller and feeling a little brighter. No one ever said that parenting was going to be a breeze, did they?
The truth is that when one quickly adds 50 pounds, depending upon genes and luck, our bodies bounce back differently. Lots of things help. Letting go helps most. Valuing yourself and teaching your children by modeling your values. Spoiled Mama Tummy Butter can't be a bad thing, use it twice daily. The BFF helps. Exercise helps. None of it is a guarantee.
Babies grow quickly at the end. Bigger babies are healthy. They can wreak havoc on our bodies. But look how they change our hearts.
All of which brings us to this: Clothes matter. We can choose what clothes to wear. Our bodies? Not so much. Style yourself to feel your best. Some new mamas skip the BFF and the Mother Tucker and still feel great once they get their new Body by Babe into styles that make them feel good. No right or wrong.
next day: OMG, I wrote this a couple of days ago, and didn't post, and then Kendra Wilkinson posted this with "Look what my 2 babies did... They made me happy. #happymothersday" Love her too!!!
Best Mother Award for sure! Perfection doesn't exist. Or, it does, when we realize that Imperfect is Perfect. Take care of you, be honest and unafraid, and it's all good Mama.