Panty Lines-Be Gone!
•Posted on September 29 2016

Be a star! Go Commando!
The Celeb Must-Have, on and off the red carpet, bump & beyond.
I still do it sometimes- when someone is trying on a dress and says something about their vpl, I say "Go Commando." and they look at me like I have lost my mind. "Pregnant? Commando?" they clearly think!
And I laugh and grab one of our favorite pink boxes of Commando's amazing, invisible panties. "No! This kind of Commando!" I say.
All the celebs swear by them and stock up-they're underwear after all, and celebs,just like us, are not going to go commando while pregnant! We're all about making a mom's life easier and more stylish, and being able to just get dressed without worrying about visible panty lines. Commando makes life so much better!
"If You're Thinking about Your Underwear, You're Wearing the Wrong Underwear!" said the NYT recently. Uh huh. Every day. Do it. Go Commando!