Small Biz Celebration!
•Posted on November 23 2018

Why celebrate Small Biz? Because it matters! (See below for how and why.)
On Small Business Saturday we just wanted to say Thank you for shopping small!
We love what we do, and we love working with you! If you shop with us, you've interacted with at least 10% of our staff, and each and every one of us wants nothing more than to make you look and feel as fabulous as you are!
Here is who we are, in real life, Julia, Carla, LaRonya and Sally are not represented here but they can be found in the stores, and they work on web orders. As you can tell, Gloria will not be here much longer as baby # 2 is due December 27th!
As a small biz we care about you, and we care about the communities that we live and raise our children in. Did you know that non-profit organizations receive an average 250% more support from smaller business owners than they do from large businesses? Crazy, right?
This small business pays a living wage, pays 100% of health insurance costs for those staff who need it, and has a retirement plan for staff. Big biz complains about the cast of health insurance, we just couldn't justify not offering it, and not paying for it. We believe that those taking care of our valued and cherished clients deserve to be safe and comfortable and healthy.
Want even more reasons to Shop Small?
1. It's basic economics, shopping at locally owned small shops is good for the community you live in.
There are lots of numbers out there on this. According to most sources, 70% of dollars spent in a locally owned, independent stores stays in your community, that number drops to 43% if you shop big, and 0% if you shop online. Schools, parks, and so much more is impacted.
2. Historically, two-thirds of net new jobs in this country are created by small business. Small firms are also responsible for over half of national GDP.
There’s nothing small about that.
So, shop small, know the faces of the humans who care, and, have fun doing it, knowing that you are investing inn your own community!