Denim Fit Guide Dance
•Posted on March 02 2023

Oh if only it was possible to create a denim fit guide! It's more like a dance to fit denim in the shop. Online? According to everyone who enters the shop, virtually impossible-pun intended! The number of times moms com into the shop either wearing not-cheap jeans that they hate, wearing cheap jeans that they hate, wearing jeans that slide down or jeans that are too tight..or saying that there are six boxes they need to return? Way too many.
Denim rules our wardrobes and getting denim that fits ...when you're pregnant? Oh the smiles we see, the joy on your faces, it's magic!
That being said, what size are you in jeans? Oh mama! First I will repeat what it says on many of our denim pages- do not go up just because you are pregnant. On the daily moms walk out with jeans several sizes smaller than what they walked in wearing.
Then, there's the fact that people leave daily with two, or even three, different sizes in different jeans. Am I lying? Nah. I don't do that as those of you who have worked wit me know.
To this last point, let me insert a visual, because, well, I'm a visual girl, it's why we're here for you, visuals matter!!