One Dress that Does It All? Meet The Madison
•Posted on April 25 2018

One dress that has been, literally, to an Inaugural Ball and to the beach; from the red carpet to so many weddings and showers that we lost count a long time ago. It has been paired with everything from Louboutins to flip flops, from diamonds to dusters.
Actor Saffron Burrows paired it with a jacket at the Golden Globes.
Fashion blogger Irina Bond of Bond Girl Glam styled it cozy.
(Images of Irina by Bleudog Fotography)
Michele rocked it at 8 months.
Yvonne's mama wears it way beyond the bump, layered under a sweater. It makes mom's happy every day. It is one of those styles that can be dressed up or down and looks good on every body type. And we love that.
You can wear it high in front, low in back for an elegant look, flip it around-different dress!
It is THE dress to wear, where ever life takes you. Nailed it.
Where are you going? Go there in ease and style. Toss on the Madison, and go live that life, accepting the compliments all the way!