4 Rules on Dressing THE Bump...and other lumps
•Posted on August 20 2018

"Rules schmules" is our usual statement on fashion rules. Do what makes you feel fabulous. Different people have different styles and we love that. And, that being said, dressing while pregnant can be a challenge. Sure, you love the bump, but, damn, what about those other lumps and bumps? How do you dress to flatter the bump and hide any other bumps that you might not be as enamored of?
Guidelines, rules, whatever. Here they are:
Rule # 1: You're Doing It Right
First rule, remember, you are doing this right. You are making a human, it's exhausting in so many ways. Step away from anything and anyone who makes you feel anything but good.
The odds that you'll be able to look in the mirror with any perspective are pretty slim. It's not unusual to experience a little body dysmorphia when your body is being morphed from within!
So set aside some time to learn what it is that makes you look and feel good in this new and amazing and every changing body?
Bring a friend or shop somewhere where you can trust the folks looking in the mirror with you. It's worth taking a little more time than usual to shop- you are learning how to dress all over again. Shopping online?? When the clothes arrive, grab a friend, touch base with the store if questions that you have about size or fit.
# 2 Start Here: Go-To Basics
When you're not feeling at your best, your closet is smaller and morning sickness has got you down, we always recommend starting with go-to basics: a well fitting pair of jeans and a few tops-either flowy or fitted-both will work and both will make you look good, and manage all manner of lumps.
Go with the flow-find a flowy top like the Penny Pleat Back that fits your shoulders(they aren't growing) glides over the belly and hips while also hiding the bum. Try a First Trimester French Tuck-this QE trick has been called a Front Tuck for years here at Mom's the Word by our very own QEs.
Then try a more fitted top like the Original Cinched Top for cotton comfort with ruching to help hide the things we weren't thrilled with before and certainly aren't super thrilled about right now. (In other words, do people wear this top waaay beyond the bump? All the time! Back fat? Muffin top? Where? None here!)
# 3 Lean In: Learn to Love your Body
Hate your hips, but at least you have a waist? Um..yeah, make that had a waist. Move it on up. Wear empire waist tops and dresses. Maxi's, like the Angelina, are stellar. If you feel bottom heavy, grab a maxi with an open neckline and prepare to accept the compliments. We're big on really drawing the eye up and away from the hips. Just anther tip that will serve you well for years to come.
Something with drape in the front, a great print and a little more shape to the back is a perennial favorite here. Why?
A good print camouflages the bumps that aren't a baby, the drape doesn't grab your bum, and you get to show off your waistline in back. Good. Done. Go!
Wearing a big flowing piece may feel like a good bet, but giving a nod to I've got a body under here" seems to be where most of our clients feel best. So, grab a sash or a belt and rock the bump. (This is a great way to let people know that you're pregnant-because people who aren't pregnant don't wear their belts under their bust!)
Do not look at the body parts that you hated before you were pregnant. Odds are, you will only hate them more while pregnant, and they will not magically disappear, but thankfully...
#4 Remember: It's All About that Bump
Time to change your perspective. It's all anyone else is really looking at anyhow, so dress it up grand, whatever that means to you. A baby bump can be a good balance sometimes, as it becomes everyone's focal point as it grows. You might as well get used to it now.
No matter how cute you are, all eyes will go to the baby first. This is your new life. It ain't about you any more. And it definitely is not about your butt:) Plus, you're a smart mama, you nailed Rule # 1 and found a really good pair of jeans.
Hint for the beyond the bump/trip back down: those jeans? You'll be wearing them after delivery and that is a-okay too.