How to Shop, Bump & Beyond
•Posted on November 02 2017

Lets talk tips and tricks of a wardrobe for a growing belly and after.
Shopping for maternity clothes can sometimes be a struggle when you're looking to maximize your wardrobe. Most new mamas are looking to get some great pieces, but fear that they might not get to wear their favorite new top from beginning to end.
We get asked on the daily "will it work the whole pregnancy?" or "It's okay now, but what about 3 months from now?". Our brilliant buyer teams up with all of us here at Mom's the Word to bring pregnant and not pregnant women a fantastic bunch of options to choose from that will honestly take you from before(because yes, people do shop with us who aren't pregnant) to bump & it is so well curated that there are some pieces that you will actually even want to wear beyond!
What is Bump & Beyond, you might ask. Well! You might think of the obvious, something you can wear all the way through to nursing or something that has enough stretch for the whole shabang, but that's not all! Maybe you have a favorite blouse that you got for work when the wardrobe was getting smaller. Maybe you love the Daniel Rainn Belize Crochet top, but you know it won't last the entire pregnancy. That's okay! Because using after baby also makes it Bump & Beyond!
The other thing would be something like the Loyal Hana Amanda Nursing Blouse. Again, maybe it won't take you through the home stretch, but that nursing access? Definitely puts it in the category of Bump & Beyond, just because it does take you, well, beyond!
