Using Real MOM Models since 2006!
•Posted on May 05 2023

We think it was 2006, it was whenever we started taking photographs. There were discs involved. There might have been film even?! We've always invited our customers to our photo shoots.
And, why did we do this? Because it's easy to make our clients look good, so why not throw them in front of a camera?!
Here are just a few of the real moms(our customers) who have modeled through the years. one of them is a "real" model in "real" life, the rest are great models.
With these rock star moms, no offense,but why would we use professionals?
Veena actually modeled for us with two kids, and I recall hearing her on NPR when Uber and Lyft were just getting started, so, one of her kids is..?!? (And this dress isn't in the store in this color, but, classic never goes bad, and it's here.)
If you were in our San Francisco store pre-pandemic you might have met this model live and in person.
And, for those of you who are not Dede's size(tiny) remember that we all have our body issues and challenges. Dede was not in our employ when this picture was taken, but apparently customers where she worked used to question whether her baby could possibly be healthy give how skinny she is. Because that's just what every pregnant woman wants to hear. Her "baby" is now 12?!.
Jackie, another real life mama who is also a nurse-yes, through Covid- and has a middle schooler now and this baby in this babe is now 10 or 11? Crazy!!
Linda -just another rock star MOM model! With baby number one....
and baby number one and two!
Twins? We've had a few. Sara had her bundles about a month after the shoot.
Crystal nursed her babies, even if she didn't birth them, so, do we use not-pregnant moms? Yes we do!
Here are just a very few of the many more amazing moms who have struck a pose:
Okay, time for true confessions: this last model? Stunning no? She's my "niece" who has lived with Quinn and I the year after she graduated UCSB(proud auntie moment:) while she figured out her next stop. She came along to a shoot just for fun. When one of the models was sick, we threw her into hair and make-up and boom!
And, the "real" model is the second to last picture, and, can we just say? "real"? IG wasn't a thing in 2006, AI was, but not that we really knew about.Every single mom who walks through our doors is a model!
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