mom fave
Lisa Linen Overall
- Regular Price
- $ 98.00
- Sale Price
- $ 98.00
- Regular Price
- $ 0.00
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Oh, these!!! Such the reg for preg dream!!
- true to size
- cropped but not as short as they appear 55" shoulder to hem
- linen relaxes out, don't forget
- washable
- first trimester through to forever
- brilliant forever styling, way past the bump
- not officially for preg, but who cares?!
Bump & Beyond?
- bump-yes to delivery
- beyond-for sure, forever, too cute
- not maternity, but brilliant to 40 weeks
- loved for breastfeeding and the trip back down
- soft and light and loose fabric
- no stretch, just drape
How to style
- we prefer a fitted top, but you do you and enjoy!
- 0 to 40 weeks to forever
- not maternity
- a post-partum and forever fave
- easy pull aside for nursing
- washable linen
- 55" shoulder to hem
- made in the USA