Michael Stars
Calliope Ultra Rib Maxi by Michael Stars
- Regular Price
- $ 128.00
- Sale Price
- $ 128.00
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A GREAT piece, bump and beyond.
- runs fuller
- you can absolutely go with the smaller size if you're remotely between
- tons of stretch
- 1st trimester
- 2nd trimester
- 3rd trimester
- beyond the bump
- reg not preg style
Bump & Beyond?
- not officially maternity but triied and true
- wear from 0-9 months, no problem
- way beyond
- super small soft rib
- not too thin, not too thick, just right!
How to style
- however you like
- the heather grey is just a dream of a nod to casual and oh-so-malibu
- loves a denim jacket
- 0 to 40 weeks
- not officially maternity
- M*'s Ultra Rib
- fitted
- cinched on one side
- maxi
- 48% Cotton / 48% Modal / 4% Spandex
- Made in USA