mom fave
Miracle Dress
- Regular Price
- $ 85.00
- Sale Price
- $ 85.00
- Regular Price
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Your new blank slate best dress just walked in. Live in it? Yes you will.
- 2nd trimester
- 3rd trimester
- not maternity
- soooo stretchy
- the texture works, well, miracles!
- One Size fits size 4 to 16. honestly. we wouldn't lie it's insane.
Bump & Beyond
- from barely bumped to forty weeks this will fit
- reg, not preg
- textured but not the least bit stiff or scratchy
- super comfy
- insanely stretchy
- never gets thin or sheer
How to Style
- blazer and pumps
- tights and boots with a cardi
- pearls and pumps
- wherever you're going, this will get you there
- every trimester
- not maternity
- shoulder width 1 3/4"
- shoulder to hem 41", however, it is adjustable by ruching or pulling
- fits till the end
- multi-season favorite
- 32 weeks baby #1
- 5'5"
- 34C
- size 6 before pregnancy