SF Hearts UPS
•Posted on June 16 2017
Our San Francisco store has been open for 21 years. We have depended on UPS the entire time! As anyone in retail will tell you- there are few relationships like that that one has with the delivery driver.
They save the day when we have a rush package-many a time has they even come back to pick up that one last order that the shipping label wasn’t quite ready for. (We really do work hard to get your order out the same day, and our UPS drivers help us!)
Our hearts are broken thinking about the UPS workers who lost their lives in the San Francisco tragedy. We wanted to share some of our fond memories of our SF UPS drivers over the years. We see these people day in and day out, and over the course of daily 5 minute conversations, we build friendships.
First, there was Arthur. When Sarah’s son, Harrison, was young he would scream “There is Arthur!” at every single brown truck he saw. As he grew he realized Arthur couldn’t possibly drive EVERY truck, so it evolved to “Is that Arthur?”
Next was Charlie, who would share stories of his own older kids. When it was time for him to retire, there was a parade that rivaled that of the Golden Warriors’ Victory Parade as Sacramento Street merchants and residents sent him off with cards and cookies.
Now we have Karloff,who is by all accounts, a ray of sunshine. He talks about his adventures with his two young kids. He and Dede commiserate about the embarrassment of realizing you are singing songs from the Moana soundtrack when you are out in public, without the kids!
Our hearts are broken and sometimes thoughts and prayers don't feel like enough.
If you are so inclined to reach out to your elected officials here is a link to learn more about where their positions on various issues which are important to you. http://congress.org/