Ready or Not-with thanks to Carlos Kotkin
•Posted on October 05 2016

A friend of mine responded to the question "Are you ready for baby?" when it was posed to her at 40 weeks with "As ready as I'll ever be."
Truer words were never spoken.
I thought of her as I listened to Carlos Kotkin tell his beautiful, poignant story on The Moth today.
He had me from the moment he says, waiting for the baby in utero to kick,"This is like whale watching." and instantly realized the error in his choice of words. And the story just gets better and better.
There's no cute video, but this is so worth listening to. Find the 14 minutes. Personally, I listen in the car.
Is anyone ever ready? Probably not. We speak with women daily who say pretty much the same thing "People tried to tell me what it would be like to be a parent, but, until you're there, there's no way to understand." But it is so totally worth it. (And it does get easier after the first three months. Promise.)
(with thanks to our friends at Classic Kids for the sweet baby shot. Have you been into the store and spent your $300 and received your Complimentary Sitting with them? It's a $295 value, and a really sweet deal, cause you get the clothes too!)