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4 Mantras for the First Year of Motherhood

Written by Dede Lewis


Posted on January 12 2019

The first few months of motherhood are a whirlwind of emotions. More love, loneliness, feeling of connection, exhaustion, talking to a baby who can’t answer you, laundry, googling (so much googling) than you ever know existed. Postpartum recovery and the first few months of motherhood can be unexpectedly trying. Here is what I wish I knew then.

Say yes to help.

If a friend or family member offers to watch the baby or cook you a meal or do your laundry or clean your house, let them. Even if they don’t do things exactly how you would. Let them help you.


Let technology be your friend.

We are so lucky to live in a time that you can go grocery shopping from your couch. Take advantage of all the apps to help you remember feedings and appointments, and if you have bills that are not on autopay, change that now! What a time to be alive!

Have food delivered or laundry picked up- this is one of the times in your life when what seems like an indulgence can really be an investment in your mental health.


Don’t compare yourself to other moms.

The flip side to technology is you can see how Lauren, from high school, lost all her baby weight in 5 minutes, eats really clean, goes for a jog after a 5 am feeding, and makes all her baby food from scratch. Good for her. That might not be true in your life right now, and that is ok.


Give yourself a break.

You are in the middle of one of the biggest transitions of your life, and are doing it on very little sleep.

You will have thoughts that you aren’t doing “enough” or not doing something “right.” It’s ok. That is how you learn and find your groove in this role of parenthood.  




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