Mom's the Word
Buddha Tee
- Regular Price
- $ 54.00
- Sale Price
- $ 54.00
- Regular Price
- $ 0.00
Sold Out
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Smile. It's just too fun :) and, grab the best OHMMMMMMMM ever. 😊
- 1st trimester
- 2nd trimester
- 3rd trimester
- long enough to cover at full 40 weeks
- one size fits most 2 to 12
Bump & Beyond?
- great for every stage of bump
- a few people wear this after-once the postpartum bump is gone!
- once in a while someone not pregnant just loves it for yoga (namaste)
- stretchy
- super soft cotton
- not too sheer, not too heavy, just right
- one size fits most. honestly!
- super duper stretchy
- shoulder to hem: 27"
- Exclusive MOM original art
- 94% cotton 6% lycra
- fabric and tee made in the USA
- Linda
- 5’11” tall
- chest 34C
- jeans 25
- in her 7th month (not a pro, a real MOM model)
- height 5'7''
- chest/bra 34D
- jeans 23
- reg not preg (bumped)